Workplace Hygiene Solutions
- Detect employees who display symptoms or have fever
- Identify employees not wearing a face mask
- Record attendance of incoming employees/ assess %age of employees at the office at any time
- Maintain a record of visitors/ fumigation work done at the office
- Monitor social distancing within the office

Tophawks Factory Sanitisation Solutions
Entrance Detection
Thermal Gate detectors perform as the first shield for your workplace or factory. Remote sensing notifies you the moment someone with a high body temperature enters.

Reception Area Detection
We install Thermal Cameras/ Face recognition cameras/ Automated Kiosks to ensure minimal physical interaction.
Surveillance – Wall Thermometer
Screens body temperature beyond entry/exit points, like in meeting rooms, cafeterias, common areas

SURAKSHA – TopHawks Social Distancing Dashboard

Features – Hardware
- Highlights instances where social distance is not maintained
- Existing CCTV cameras can be used
- Main application to be installed on server

Images showing
- Social Distancing Violation incidents
- Log Screen for Social Distancing Violation

Trusted by 500+ Clients
Get in Touch
We are here for you, and we are wearing our thinking caps