How BTL campaigns can improve brand visibility and shoot up sales?

Brooding over ways to increase your company’s sales?
Things might seem tough, but fortunately beating all the odds against it, BTL campaigns have the potential to help your business rise by shooting sales up.
So, here in this article, we will discuss how BTL campaigns like product sampling, roadshows, etc. can increase your brand visibility and ease the mammoth task of increasing your sales. So here we begin :
BTL stands for below the line campaigning or marketing in which publicity is done in a target specific manner targeting a particular group of potential customers through activities like door to door marketing , product sampling ,road shows,trade shows ,direct mailing etc.
All these activities help the company establish direct contact with the target customers. This was some basic introduction to BTL campaigns/ BTL marketing. Now we will move forward towards our title that is “how can BTL campaigns increase your company’s sales I.e how can BTL strategies shoot sales up?”
Gaining customer’s attention and then retaining it, in the long run, is essential for a business to grow and flourish. For a company to excel, building healthy customer relationships is the basic foundation, and “BTL CAMPAIGNS help strengthen these customer-brand relationships.
Through these activities, you can have regular direct communication with potential customers and save them as loyal customers in the long run. Through BTL activities like DIRECT CALLING and MAILING, you can build and nurture your relationships with your customers.
If your customers trust you, then there are very high chances that whenever you launch a new product, already existing customers will show a great interest in buying it and what else does a company want?
Every successful business you can see today has grown out of its ability to have excellent customer relationships and BTL activities can help you reach out to customers and create healthy relationships with them.
Cost-effectiveness is another factor that makes BTL campaigns an interesting factor.
In an affordable cost, customer-centric promotions can be done and customers can be influenced by these campaigns.
Thus, due to being available at affordable prices, BTL activities are much suited for small and medium-sized businesses.
Are you wondering if being cheaper than ATL marketing techniques i.e above the line marketing techniques, these campaigns tend to be less effective?
If you are thinking so, then you are probably wrong because nowadays BTL campaigns are providing better results as compared to ATL marketing techniques depending on the product which the campaign is all about.
Not that ATL marketing techniques are not worth spending on, it’s just that when you can derive similar benefits at a cheaper and affordable price, then why not go for BTL campaigns?
Now the question is how will you decide if conducting BTL campaigns would have a similar impact in your case as ATL marketing?
Does the answer lie in what you are going to advertise/ campaign about?
Thoroughly analyze if BTL campaigns would work well with your product.
If yes, then go for more affordable BTL campaigns over ATL advertising which is expensive in comparison.
BTL campaigns are target centric campaigns focussed on end target customers who would potentially be interested in the product being promoted.
Using these strategies the marketer can target the right audience with creativity and in an innovative manner.
Targeting the right audience is what acts as a boon for a business making it more efficient than marketing to a massive group of audiences disinterested in the product.
It is like carefully analyzing, pointing at the target, and then shooting the arrow in the right direction.
By filtering out those to whom your product will appeal, BTL strategies like product sampling, etc. will help you strategically influence the audience to buy your product.
Sustained efforts in the right direction are what this strategy can be called.
You need to carefully plan and clearly understand which group you need to target and depending on this group you need to select the most appropriate RWA campaigns to promote your product.
Targeting the right audience saves money, time, and resources as well.
Every business has its competitors in the market.
Competitors might be preventing customers from choosing your products with their product and marketing-oriented strategies.
Thus, getting ahead of competitors is what every businessman thinks of.
If you too are thinking about how to increase your sales rate and get ahead of your competitors, BTL promotional campaigns can come to your aid.
Promoting your product in the most appropriate manner using BTL campaigns, can make your company and brand a well-known name among the audience or customers.
When you conduct Roadshows, in-store promotions, etc. the audience gets to know well who you are and what kind of products and services you provide.
If these promotions are done in a good manner, the customer also gets to know what your core values are and what you promise.
So, you can use these campaigns effectively to build a strong reputation in the eyes of the customers and if you succeed in doing so, you can have an edge over your competitors through your company’s reputation among the customers.
BTL campaigns are not limited to the type of products you wish to promote or what your location is.
They have a wide scope from whatever your product is to whatever your location, you can always find some suitable BTL marketing technique to promote your company
it’s products as well as the services it provides.
Be it product sampling, newspaper inserts, etc.
You can always find an effective BTL promotional technique depending on what your product is and what your target audience is.
Thus, BTL campaigns have a wide wingspan through which these campaigns can promote your product well making your company fly high in the sky of success.
BTL campaigns can be woven with a lot of creativity and innovation for example use of mobile vans is a very creative and innovative idea of conducting a BTL campaign.
The main aim of marketing is to seek customers’ attention and BTL campaigns are a great medium to do that.
When something catches the eyes of a person, he cannot resist it and centered around this idea BTL campaigns successfully attract a crowd and allow you and your team to promote your product well.
Although ATL strategies have their benefits, when you have direct interaction with the audience/customers it leaves a much deeper impact on them.
If this interaction has a very unique way then the company’s name and product leave an indelible imprint of the spectator’s mind.
Even if someone is not interested in buying your product right away, they can later contact you in the future if your product or service is needed, provided you have succeeded in attracting the crowd enough that they cannot forget your company as well as your product.
So, dive deeper into all the creativity you and your team hold within and create an everlasting impact on the audience using these BTL campaigns.
As mentioned above, using BTL campaigns you can work on creating an everlasting impact on the audience.
The influence you generate doesn’t last only here, but it has a ripple effect.
When you hurl a stone into a pond, the ripples go on until they reach out to the ends of the pond and die out.
Similarly, BTL campaigns generate a ripple effect. Wondering how?
This is because when you interact with a particular group of people and make them well aware of your company and product, these people then become like a ripple acting as promoters to your products.
If you succeed in creating an indelible imprint on their mind like mentioned above, whenever they will find someone who might be searching for a product or service similar to what you are providing, these people to whom you have promoted your product will let the one requiring your services know about you.
This way, one person tells the second, second tell the third and the ripples go on, and even after the campaign ends, it’s effect doesn’t and that’s the beauty of this ripple effect that BTL campaigns generate.
* ITS ACTUALLY WHAT YOU NEED: A company needs marketing techniques which
* are captivating enough that they capture the attention of the customers once and leave an impact on them forever.
* And how can this captivating be done? This can be done by adding uniqueness, innovation to the marketing technique and that’s what BTL campaigns have a great scope for.
* A variety of marketing/ promotional techniques and BTL campaigns provide an enormous variety of techniques or ways to promote like roadshows, trade shows, direct calling and emailing, use of newspaper and magazine inserts, product sampling, in-store promotions, etc. They provide you with a lot to choose from.
* Affordable and best I.e which satisfies the purpose in the most affordable and genuine of the prices and that too is what BTL campaigns have in store for you.
So aren’t these above mentioned, the qualities any company would like to have in a marketing strategy? Surely, the answer is yes!! That’s how BTL campaigns are an all in one beneficial campaign you can switch to and promote your product effectively.
Above mentioned are the benefits or advantages of BTL campaigns that tell you how can BTL campaigns improve your brand visibility and shoot your company’s sales up.
Every marketing strategy has its benefits and it’s you who has to decide which marketing strategy suits you the best. It can be ATL marketing I.e Above the line marketing, BTL marketing I.e Below the line marketing or TTL marketing I.e Through the line marketing or whatsoever strategy you wish to follow but your decision has the power to influence your product’s appeal and your company ‘s rapport, so choose wisely!
And with this, we hope we have completed our purpose of boosting your knowledge. Adios!
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