Blue-collar jobs
A blue-collar worker is a working-class person who performs manual labor. Blue-collar work mainly involves skilled or unskilled labor.
Organizations deploy them to perform various physical tasks such as manufacturing, electric fitting, operating heavy machines, plumbing, construction, etc. Blue-collar workers are majorly skilled in their particular work domain though they lack formal education.
- Current Indian job scenario in Blue Collar work
BetterPlace, an Indian Technology company, has recently conducted a survey and a macro-economic study regarding the blue-collar job surge in India.
Their research revealed quite good hiccups to the reality which was earlier no-one had guessed liked that. They discovered that the most demanding post in the future would be the executives of the company and the driver post. This research made to ponder that if there is such huge inflation then how a driver post can be at the top demand.
There study also revealed that
- 92% of the sector is unorganized
- Only a handful of 1% knows about banking procedures.
Their macro-level study also insights that around 120 million people for job hunt migrates from the Northern or North-Eastern states like Bihar, UP. With 40% of them to Bengaluru following with NCR 31%. These all stats put me into the shock that what start-ups we are growing that still leads to the mass movement of people away from the family & relatives for the job.
Definitely, immediate and intense methods like Job portals need to be devised to render the disorganization present in the market.
- Current recruitment procedure for Blue-collar jobs
Well, if we dive into their recruitment and the procedures, we’ll notice it highly disorganized. Mainly companies hire them through a mass placement service providers or agencies Or from the family or relative’s referral.
Moreover, the largest model of their recruitment is via referral or word of mouth. Due to this favoritism or personal biases, this had made the whole creed to further sabotaging and working on the mercy of their owner.
Present Challenges
Due to the lack of formal education, they are deprived of the privileges which the more developed strata of society enjoy.
- unawareness of opportunities
- No formal making of resume
- Poor communication skills even in their regional languages
- Huge attrition rate and absenteeism with some companies having 20% while the big MNC’s can have up to 50% attrition annually. This makes the blue-collar employee’s life worse. The main reason buds out is, that most of the workers working in a filthy environment, leads to serious health issues which their current organization is not taking care of. This ultimately, makes the sufferer leave the job and scavenge for a new one.
But sadly, all above the de facto points, what makes the matter worse there is no such formal portal in the market which can serve as the basis for the recruitment of the blue-collar employees and by this bilaterally their potential can be used to maximum advantage.
Tips for Blue-collar sales executives Interviews.
Recruitment procedure for a white-collar executive
White-collar officials are those who mainly hold the desk work and works in the British formal attire like a shirt and trousers. They are skilled employees who hold managerial positions and are responsible for making critical decisions for the company. Unlike the blue-collar executives, they invest brains acquired from the training & educations they had received from dedicated universities.
Unlike blue-collar workman, they are unarguably more privileged and have greater access to resources like better industry-standard training and exposure, alumni aid they acquire from there universities.
Also adding the cherry to the needs, they are granted immense help from the international networking forums or portals like LinkedIn, monster.com, nuakri.com, etc. Often, it has been seen that white-collar workforce switches from one organization to another or even changes the entire working background owing to the powerful network they have.
Can LinkedIn or Monster.com help a blue-collar person in finding his desired job just like it did for the white-collar official?
With the advent of the industrial revolution, a huge number of start-ups are rolling out to simplify or satisfy the existing or prolonged circuitous problem. It has not only to help out in making our lives easier but along with offered a huge chunk of jobs for both white and blue-collar dignitaries. But the sad tale of the story is, unlike the later, white-collar person like software developer or content writer can easily switch to the desired organization when all the executives, managers are hiring them on LinkedIn.
Definitely, a need of an hour has arisen to develop a proper channel or portal for the blue-collar ones so that they can also channelize at the offered opportunities.
Ai re-innovating the recruitment process of blue-collar jobs
In this fast pace and automated era, thanks to the widespread and affordable internet services and on top of it the cheap price availability of mobile phones and laptops has made network seamlessly accessible and affordable to every layer of the working class.
So, equipped with Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, we can devise a portal by which the recruitment for blue-collar jobs can be conducted.
Job portal for Blue-collar executive
Since Blue-collar jobs have entirely a different set of skills, the style of performing the task, than white-collar workmen so the segregation in the portals should be done to reflect that the same.
- Features
- Like any other sector, blue-collar jobs are diverse ranging from the driver, technician, plumber, constructor, etc. So, the online job portal should also have various sections to depict that.
- It should be 100% free for job seekers. Since, as discussed Blue-collar had had subjugation, so making the portal 100% free for them will encourage them to hunt for the opportunities online.
- It should be mobile responsive. As mentioned earlier, most of the Blue-collar personals will be having a smartphone and not much tech-savvy, so having a portal that is mobile responsive will provide a huge aid to them in handling their profiles. Not to forget, for web portals, they are your customers.
- All jobs circulating in the portals should be verified. With verification, it should include the legitimacy of the company, a verified company official has uploaded the post and a verified salary structure. Portals should also educate the job hunters, to rectify the legitimate job offer such to safeguard them from any scam.
- Talking about education, as the market studies presented in beginning by BetterPlace, they should be taught around the banking procedures. This will not only help them in managing their finances but also lead them to be more socialized.
- Adequate communication, practical and technical courses should be given on the platform so that workmen can hone their skills and hence making them more job-ready.
- Since they are not much tech-savvy and majority are not much-accustomed writing detailed career descriptions, so a detailed application form having a series of MCQ questionnaires, to understand the skills they possess and particular domain they are fit into.
- Based on the data collected, give them the free Job Alerts or notification, so that no such job can be missed by them.
- The portal should be capable of performing in various regional languages. Then only, the portal can expect to have a large user bandwidth.
- At every step, in the customer service industry a feedback form is filled, this feedback form serves as the basis for the organization to track themselves up. Without having a feedback form, it is very difficult for them to understand the ground level report. A similar feedback filling option should be presented in the portal so that Job seekers can remain in that platform until their job search finishes.
- The job portal should also conduct a fair-play online test to access the seeker skills set. To make the test with such industry standards that it becomes the entry-level test for Blue-collar jobs in any organization.